Viele Klicks sind gut - gute Kunden sind definitiv am besten!
Ich habe ein paar Tage Pause vom Social Network gemacht weil es einfach sehr viel Arbeit in der realen Welt gab. Ich bin in der glücklichen Lage, dass ich jeden Tag wundervolle Aufträge bekomme und sehr gute Kunden mit ihren Besonderheiten und Vorzügen habe. In der Vergangenheit habe ich oft versucht Kunden mit denen die "Chemie" nicht richtig funktioniert hat, zu halten. Später habe ich begriffen, dass es Kunden gibt, denen man es nicht recht machen kann, egal welcher Preis, welche Leistung, welches Entgegenkommen - du kannst Firmen und Kunden nicht retten, die nicht gerettet werden wollen. Wenn der Wurm drin steckt, dann wirf den fauligen Apfel weg. Seit ich mich von diesen Kunden getrennt habe, ist meine Motivation durchweg positiv. Ich arbeite lange und hart - aber glücklich und zufrieden!
I took a break from social networking for a few days because there was a lot of work in the real world. I am in the fortunate position that I get wonderful jobs every day and have very good customers with their special features and advantages. In the past, I have often tried to keep customers who did not do the "chemistry" properly. Later, I realized that there are customers that you can not please, no matter what price, what service, what kind of accommodation - you can not save companies and customers who do not want to be saved. If the worm is in it, throw away the rotten apple. Since I separated from these clients, my motivation has been consistently positive. I work long and hard - but happy and satisfied!
I took a break from social networking for a few days because there was a lot of work in the real world. I am in the fortunate position that I get wonderful jobs every day and have very good customers with their special features and advantages. In the past, I have often tried to keep customers who did not do the "chemistry" properly. Later, I realized that there are customers that you can not please, no matter what price, what service, what kind of accommodation - you can not save companies and customers who do not want to be saved. If the worm is in it, throw away the rotten apple. Since I separated from these clients, my motivation has been consistently positive. I work long and hard - but happy and satisfied!